What is MBA: The Blog?

Hey! If you have yet to meet my smiling face I’m Morgan Franklin

that’s me

Welcome to MBA: The Blog!

I know you’re probably wondering what I have done since I left Atlanta and what I could possibly be talking about nowadays.

As I embark on my next adventure as an MBA student, in my new home of Chicago, I am fully aware that the next two years will be the first real sprint in my marathon of life.

I will be using MBA: The Blog to give you, my reader, an honest in-depth look at my experience in all its glory, travels and to be expected failures in hopes that it will hold me accountable to upholding my aspirations at the highest level.

MBA stands for quite a few things:

  1. Masters of Business Administration: As an MBA candidate at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, I will be sharing my experience as a student at one of the top business schools in the country and in the world.
  2. Morgan Builds Awesome Shit: As a budding entrepreneur who loves to dream and build, I will be exploring industries and ideas that fascinate me alongside things that I am actually building.
  3. Morgan’s Book Association: As an avid reader, I hope to: inspire you to pick up a new book and spark more conversations around great reads.

Whether my posts inspire you to take a look at your own path, question an idea or viewpoint that I have, help you on your journey to or through graduate school, read a book, explore a framework, do something that you never thought you would or could do, reach out to build with me, or simply just smile – then I’ll have done something right.

Stay tuned – this is going to be great.

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